Friday, February 03, 2012

Ways To Save On New York Theatre Tickets

Thanks to our friends over at the McDonald's Cooperation the words small, medium, and large have been a part of our nations vocabulary for over three decades. Here at Applause Theatre Service we believe in the same formula. Well almost. The good thing with us is at our prices you won't have to worry about counting calories. Having been in the ticket industry for over a decade now I will tell you that one of the biggest complaints we get is the price of tickets.

Let's face it folks. Going to the theatre is not cheap anymore. I remember when I first moved here back in 1992 the cost of a Rear Mezzanine seat at the Gershwin Theatre was $7.50. In 2012 that same seat for Wicked now costs anywhere from $56.25 to $76.25. My how times have changed. The other day I pulled out a scrapbook that I have kept over the years and found a ticket stub from the first time I saw Rent back in April 1996. The cost of an Orchestra seat back then? $75.00. Orchestra seats for Broadway's hottest show The Book of Mormon? Slightly under $400 if you are lucky.

The truth is most people can't afford prices like that. I know I can't. Yes I know it's a popular show. So is Wicked and The Lion King. Doesn't mean they are the only game in town. As we speak there are twenty shows playing on Broadway with seventeen more scheduled to open in the next few months. Not only that but most of those shows are available at prices that can't be beat. Who says there aren't any bargains out there? There are. You just have to know where to look. Contrary to what you may have heard it is possible to enjoy a night out at the theatre without having to take out a mortgage on your house to do it. That's the truth. Until next time theatre fans.

Applause Theatre and Entertainment
311 West 43rd Street
Suite 601
New York,NY 10036
212-307-7050 or 1-800-451-9930
Facebook: Applause Theater and Entertainment Service,Inc

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