Their choices were We Will Rock You, Jersey Boys, and The Book of Mormon. Three great shows that I have all seen. I take that back. I still haven't seen The Book of Mormon yet. Oh well. It's not like it's not going to be around for years to come. I'm sure that I will see it eventually. So anyway now that I knew what they wanted to see I needed to find out if I could get the tickets. After all they were going to London in less than a week.
Now they knew that of the three shows that The Book of Mormon would be the most difficult to get. Luckily for them there was a last minute cancellation and I was able to get them excellent seats in the Center Orchestra only ten rows from the stage. One show down. Two to go. Because We Will Rock you has been playing for a long time I was once again able to find them seats in the Center Orchestra. One more show to go. Care to guess where they were sitting for Jersey Boys? You guessed it. Center Orchestra. Not only that but I was able to get all three shows for less than they were expecting. So there you have it folks. Three great shows and great prices to boot. Another satisfied customer. Will you be next?
Applause Theatre and Entertainment Service, Inc.
311 West 43rd Street
Suite 1105
New York,NY 10036
or 1-800-451-9930
Facebook:Applause Theater and Entertainment Service,I
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