Let me guess. You've never heard of
Hamilton have you? NOT! It's only the most popular show in the last decade. Maybe two decades. But who's counting right? Now I've sold tickets to hundreds of show's during my tenure at Applause, and I have never seen anything like this. As a matter of fact, just the other day my colleague Todd sold tickets to Hamilton for $2900.
Now I know what you're thinking, "That must be for a small group right?' Wrong. It was for two tickets, and the $2900 was per ticket. Crazy right? I mean for that amount I could pay all my bills, including my rent, for the next two months, and still have some money left over. Oh well. I guess the saying is true. "If you've got it, spend it."
I don't know. Maybe I'm the crazy one. I just happen to think food and shelter is a little more important than sitting in a theatre for three hours. That's just me. Now since I'm in the business of selling tickets, I guess I should write a little bit about it. After all that's why you came to our website in the first place right? So let's get right to it shall we? For starters not every ticket for Hamilton is $2900 a piece. Now are they cheap? Not by a long shot.
However if you are willing to wait a little while, the tickets are a little less. By the way there are partial view seats as early as next April or May. I know. I know. Partial view? Those have to be awful right? Actually they are not as bad as the sound. In fact you only miss less than ten percent of the show. Of sure you could get a full view seat as early as this weekend. Just be prepared to pay. Oh and just so you know there are other show's out there besides Hamilton. In fact between now and the end of April there are seven new musicals set to open.
Allegiance- Opens November 8
American Psycho- Previews begin on March 24
On Your Feet- Opens November 5
School of Rock- Previews begin on November 9
Shuffle Along- Previews begin on March 14
Tuck Everlasting- Previews begin on March 31
Waitress- Previews begin on March 25
Sounds like a nice variety don't you think? Oh and just in case you are wondering we sell tickets for all of those shows. Not only that but we sell most of those shows at "Insider Rates". Who doesn't love a bargain? I know I do. Until next time theatre fans.
Applause Theatre and Entertainment Service, Inc.
723 7th Avenue
Suite 902
New York, NY 10019
or 1-800-451-9930
Facebook:Applause Theater and Entertainment Service