Friday, March 25, 2011

Chicago Makes History

That's right theatre fans. One of Broadway's longest running shows is about to reach a milestone. Chicago which will celebrate it's 5,960 performance today is now the fifth longest running show in Broadway history. Who would have though that a show that was overshadowed by A Chorus Line in the late 1970's would become one of Broadway's biggest success stories? I know I sure didn't. Believe it or not but Chicago is only 178 performances away from surpassing A Chorus Line to rank number four on Broadway's all time list. That's less than six months away for those of you keeping track. Now while I enjoyed the show I never thought I would still be talking about it all these years later.Yet here we are some fourteen years later and Chicago is still going strong with no end in sight. Now do I think it will ever surpass Phantom as Broadway's longest running show of all time? Stranger things have happened. Only 3,673 performances to go. Until next time theatre fans.

Applause Theatre and Entertainment
311 West 43rd Street
Suite 601
New York,NY 10036
212-307-7050 or 1-800-451-9930
Facebook: Applause Theater and Entertainment Service,Inc

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