Thankfully I got my tickets as soon as they went on sale. I mean come on people. There was no way I was going to miss two of my favorite actor's together on stage for the first time. Now here's your chance. So what exactly is the show about? Well for starter's it is written by Harold Pinter. That alone is reason enough to see it. He is after all one of the world's greatest playwright's. I know. I know. But what is the show about? Well I'll tell you. After all I did see it. Here you go.
No Man's Land take's place on a hot Summer evening in Hampstead where elderly writer's and total stranger's Hirst and Spooner meet in a local pub. As the evening progresses the men become more inebriated where upon Hirst rises from his chair and throws his glass across the bar. This of course prompts Spooner to question his new friend's mental state. The drunken pair soon make their way to Hirst's nearby house, where the night continues to grow even stranger following the arrival of two intriguing but disturbing young men.
Now are you ready to see it? Of course you are. Well have I got good news for you. We sell tickets to No Man's Land. In fact we sell tickets to every play in the West End. Who knew? Get your tickets to see Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart in No Man's Land. Preview's are set to begin at the Wyndham's Theatre on September 8 so don't delay. Call now. Until next time theatre fans.
Applause Theatre and Entertainment Service, Inc.
723 7th Avenue
Suite 902
New York, NY 10019
or 1-800-451-9930
Facebook:Applause Theater and Entertainment Service
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