Born into the royal family, precocious cub Simba spends his days exploring the sprawling savanna grasslands and idolizing his kingly father, Mufasa, while youthfully shirking the responsibility his position in life requires. When an unthinkable tragedy, orchestrated by Simba’s wicked uncle, Scar, takes his father’s life, Simba flees the Pride Lands, leaving his loss and the life he knew behind. Eventually companioned by two hilarious and unlikely friends, Simba starts anew. But when weight of responsibility and a desperate plea from the now ravaged Pride Lands come to find the adult prince, Simba must take on a formidable enemy, and fulfill his destiny to be king.
Now that sounds like a show I want to see. Well see again I should say. By the way for those of you who still haven't seen it you have come to the right place my friends. We sell tickets to The Lion King. In fact we sell tickets to every show on Broadway. It doesn't get any better than that. Just give us a call and see the show that won six 1998 Tony Awards including Best Musical of the Year. Get your tickets to see The Lion King on Broadway. You will love it. Until next time theatre fans.
Applause Theatre and Entertainment Service, Inc.
723 7th Avenue
Suite 902
New York, NY 10019
or 1-800-451-9930
Facebook:Applause Theater and Entertainment Service
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