But wait. There's more. Because they were only going to be here for less than forty-eight hours, they decided to see all three shows in one day. Now I love going to the theatre, but three shows in one day? I can barely handle one a week. So anyway, after finding out when they would be here, I asked her what she wanted to see.
Her choices were the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, Dear Evan Hansen, and Wicked. Three great choices right? Now because she wanted to see all three shows in one day, she knew that she would probably be running from show to show, with little time between each one. Thankfully for her, Radio City had a show at 9:00am, which meant she had four hours until Dear Evan Hansen.
Which would give her plenty of time to see the tree, a little shopping, and a bite to eat. Her third and final show, Wicked, was at 7pm. An hour and a half after Dear Evan Hansen. Plenty of time for a snack or a nice walk thru Times Square. Oh and did I mention that I was able to get her great seats for all three shows, and a rates that was lower than she was expecting. Not only that, but I was able to help her find some great places to eat while they were here. Another satisfied customer. Will you be next?
Applause Theatre and Entertainment Service, Inc.
165 West 46th Street
Suite 1107
New York, NY 10036
or 1-800-451-9930
Facebook:Applause Theater and Entertainment Service
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