Tickets for the show just went on sale and as always we at Applause will be selling them. In fact we are selling tickets for every show both On and Off Broadway. So now that you know how to get tickets, I'm guessing you might want to know a little bit about the show right? Now my guess is that most of you are like me, and are going to the show because you have read the book, or saw the 1990 film which starred James Caan and Kathy Bates in her Oscar wining performance as Annie Wilkes.
In a nutshell, Misery is about famed romance novelist Paul Sheldon, who while travelling from Los Angeles to New York, drives off a cliff and crashes upside down in a snow bank. Shortly there after he is rescued by Annie Wilkes, a former nurse in the next town who proceeds to nurse him back to health. After confessing to Paul that she is his "Number One Fan" she obtains a copy of his latest novel, where she discovers that he has killed off her favorite character. This news upsets the already fragile and somewhat disturbed Annie. Now I guess I could tell you more, but that would ruin the surprise for those of you that are not familiar with the story. All I can tell you is that it is one crazy ride my friends. Get your tickets to see Misery on Broadway at the Broadhurst Theatre. Until next time thriller fans.
Applause Theatre and Entertainment Service, Inc.
723 7th Avenue
Suite 902
New York, NY 10019
or 1-800-451-9930
Facebook:Applause Theater and Entertainment Service
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