One of the most frequent questions Applause-Tickets staff seem to get on a daily basis is "can you suggest some nice places to dine before the Broadway show we're going to see"?
After living in the heart of New York City for nearly 9 years now and attending shows for nearly 40 years, I definitely have my favorites. My colleague Todd Freeman loves the New York City restaurant dining scene as well. Together we have made a very thorough listing of many restaurant possibilities for visitors to New York City to consider trying, either before or after the theater.
So whether you want to experience neighborhood Italian, Greek, Spanish, Chinese, German or Middle Eastern restaurant cuisine one night or dine at one of New York's finest steak or seafood restaurants, Todd and I have tried to cover the gamut on any of New York's gastronomic possibilities.
We'd love to share the restaurant list we've created for you, your friends, family and colleagues. You may want to have a look at this for yourself or share with people that you know are New York City bound. And we hope you'll consider a call to Todd and I if you'd like to know more about New York City restaurants or any of the terrific Broadway Shows currently playing on The Great White Way.
Here's a link to the restaurant list.
I hope you'll consider a call to Applause-Tickets should your plans include a visit to New York City, the Broadway Theater and the fantastic New York restaurant scene. Ask for me personally at 212-307-7050 or 800-451-9930 or email me at rich@applause-tickets.com.
Rich Gladstone
Applause Theatre & Entertainment Service Inc.
723 7th Avenue, Suite 902
NY NY 10019
Phone 212-307-7050 or 800-451-9930
On Facebook at Applause Theatre & Entertainment Service Inc.
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