So there I sat in the theatre waiting for the show to begin. I'll be honest when the show first started I didn't like it. In fact I was sure that I would be leaving at intermission. Then something happened. Truth me told if you asked me what it was that changed my mind I couldn't tell you. All I know is within a few minutes I was hooked and couldn't wait to see what would happen next. I can't remember that last time that I enjoyed a play so much. Yes I can. It was August:Osage County which for those of you who have seen it can attest to how good it truly was.
Most people that I know that have seen Stick Fly say that reminds them of that show. In some ways they maybe right. Both are about dysfunctional families with secrets that threaten to destroy them for years to come. Let's face it. Everybody has a few skeleton's in their closet.It's how you choose to deal with them that is the true test. Now for those of you who think that Stick Fly is only for African-American audiences you couldn't be more wrong. Just because the family is black doesn't mean you can't relate to it or enjoy it for what it is. A great play that will have you still taking about days and weeks after you have seen it. I can't recommend it enough. Get your tickets to see Stick Fly on Broadway. You will hate yourself if you don't.
Applause Theatre and Entertainment Service
311 West 43rd Street
Suite 1105
New York,NY 10036
212-307-7050 or 1-800-451-9930
Facebook: Applause Theater and Entertainment Service
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