It's no secret that here at Applause, we love talking to you. For nearly three decades, you’ve called us and we’ve called you. We talk about theatre, sports, concerts, what you like, and what we like. And we love it! It's personal, we’ve been doing it forever, and a great conversation has never failed us. Talking to you allows us to gauge what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling about seeing a show. And knowing our customer base is imperative when providing our services. On top of our relationships via telephone and email, we've decided to branch out into social media and connect with you even further with Twitter and LinkedIn.
Now, in the last five years we’ve all seen the growth and efficiency of new mediums like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Companies use them to sell and promote and push their ads in our faces so we see and think about them every day. And while we've been active on Facebook, we've been a bit turned off to other social media networks because of this reason. We’re not trying to sell you or land you. We’re trying to get to know you. Your satisfaction is our success and we tailor our services to you.
But behind all the ads and propaganda that are trying to convince you, there’s a wave of companies using Twitter and Facebook as an extension of the people behind the company. We like to identify with this idea. Because at Applause, we’re more than just the other end of the phone. We’re the people with the same interests as our customers. How did our ticket experts become ticket experts? Well, originally they were just passionate theatre-lovers who loved seeing shows and were captivated by the atmosphere of a theatre; how it can be a portal into a new world where there’s action actually happening before their very eyes. Eventually their passion brought them to work for Applause.
We’re using social media as a way to develop our relationship with you. We’re at the edge of our seats at shows or ball games just like you and we want to share our experiences. Our similar interests are already a connection we have. Now we should make it official. In fact we invite you to connect with us, about Broadway theatre in particular, this weekend as we live tweet the Tony Awards! Like you, we’re excited to see who wins and we’ll be posting our “reactions” as we hope our Tony predictions come true.
There will be .GIFs, lots of .GIFs…
Stefano D’Amico
Applause Theatre and Entertainment Services Inc.
723 7th Avenue
Suite 902
New York, NY 10019
or 1-800-451-9930
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