Well its only 12 days into the 2009 New Year and although the first few days were kind of slow we can already see a growing interest in people planning to pay a visit to see a Broadway Show in the next few weeks. The economy may be experiencing some turbulence but America is a great country. There is no stopping us from continuing our hard work, going out securing new jobs and starting new careers and taking chances on a new opportunity.
That being said let me tell you that our phone lines are heating up for what is looking like a promising Broadway Show season in New York. People are calling for tickets to see Jane Fonda's return to Broadway in a new show called 33 Variations. You can also get another chance to get tickets to a very special once in a lifetime opportunity to see Will Ferrell in a new one man show called You're Welcome America: One Final Night with George W.Bush, starring the very popular film actor and comedian. If you like an old fashioned show, you may consider buying tickets to the revival of Guys and Dolls,starring Oliver Platt and Lauren Graham.
Many other new shows will be going on sale in the next few weeks. You can simply stay in touch with the local Broadway ticket experts at Applause Theatre Service in New York to stay "in the know".
If you desire to see one of the current top playing shows on Broadway, consider getting tickets to see one of Broadway's "top five shows". They are:
Jersey Boys
South Pacific
Billy Elliot
Shrek The Musical
If you have questions about Broadway or need some restaurant suggestions, you can contact Applause seven days a week locally at 212-307-7050 or toll free at 1-800-451-9930.
If you want to see what other satisfied customers are saying, you can checkout Applause's testimonials and see for yourself. It doesn't cost anything to call us. We'd like to share our knowledge and expertise with you, your friends, family or co-workers.
Thanks for reading this post in Applause's Broadway Ticket News. If you found our information helpful, we'd appreciate you passing our name along to others that might need our service.
Rich Gladstone
Applause Theater Service
311 west 43rd street, suite 601
New York, New York 10036
toll free 1-800-451-9930
local phone 212-307-7050
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