Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Applause Theater Service says "YES" to Great Service on Broadway

Have you ever tried to buy theater tickets for Broadway? Have you had to call several companies before finding the right tickets for the show of your choosing? Does it seem like most of the time that the tickets you're looking for are not available? Or at least not available at a fair price?

Often we call companies and get the "same old same old" answers which amount to the word "no", or "sold out" or "sorry that's not available". Well, have a look at Seth Godin's blog of March 2, 2009. It's called "looking for yes". I just read it and its simply brilliant.
Seth says he sometimes goes to the Post office in one town and often finds that the people working there find problems with his desire to simply ship a small package. When he brings the same package to another Post office, they ship it with ease. Why is this?

The same goes with Broadway tickets. There are plenty of places to buy tickets but next time you try, see how easy (or difficult) it can be. Really friends, try it please.

Anyway if you think you want tickets to see a Broadway Show, you might want to give a call to Applause Theater Service in New York City. They subscribe to the Seth Godin business philosophy of giving people the information they want, back it up with great and memorable service and let consumers do what they want. In short, make people's lives easy.

At Applause, when you inquire about tickets, they give you the information that will help you make an informed decision that best fits your interests, not theirs. They let shoppers continue to shop and are willing to allow consumers to take their time when making buying decisions.

"Broadway tickets are expensive" says Rich Gladstone, Vice President and co-owner of Applause Theatre Service. "We think people should gather their information first then shop with the company that they trust will best fill their ticket requirements and service needs".

There are hundreds of places to purchase theater tickets for Broadway Shows. Try Applause, we think you'll see the difference that Seth Godin looks for in his business life. At Applause, they "look for yes" also. Thank you Seth Godin, its refreshing to hear someone like you talk about how consumers need to be treated wherever they shop.

Your friends at Applause Theater Service
311 West 43rd Street, suite 601
NY,NY 10036
local phone 212-307-7050
toll free 800-451-9930
web site

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