If you click on any one of hundreds of web sites that sell Broadway tickets for shows playing in New York City, you will get the distinct impression that many of the companies all look and feel mostly alike. Hardly a reason to click on a set of tickets for Wicked, Jersey Boys, Billy Elliot or maybe the brand new popular musical comedy The Addams Family and make a purchase right? Although consumers buying tickets for Broadway now have the greatest number of ticket buying options in the history of New York theater, in my opinion, there is more confusion than ever about how to get the best seats, value and service for your money. Sometimes having lots of options only makes the search for Broadway tickets more difficult. Let me explain.
For many years now, the Broadway Theater has been making a big push to increase the amount of money they make for each show that is currently playing on Broadway. This makes sense to me when you consider the millions and millions of dollars Broadway Show producers spend investing in their respective productions, never really knowing if the public will help make their show a "hit" or a "miss". That being said, for nearly 10 years now what started as a test to increase their shows bottom line, the theaters started offering "premium seating" to their shows. A premium seat is generally considered the "best seats in the house", most often in the first 10 rows center of the orchestra or the first few rows of the front mezzanine. Believe it or not, the idea of premium seats has been extremely successful on Broadway, increasing the amount of money a show can take in every performance. As I mentioned earlier, the shows producers make a huge investment,never knowing if they will lose lots of money or maybe have the occasional "hit" show. So in my mind, they deserve to come up with ways that give better seats or services to the consumer in exchange for premium prices for their tickets.
Still with a recession like most of us have not seen like this before in our lifetime, although some people do purchase premium seating, most ticket buyers are simply not in a position to fork over $300 to $450 a ticket for the privilege of sitting in the front and center of the theater. In fact, during this difficult economic time, most people that our Broadway ticket company Applause-Tickets.com gets calls from are asking us for Broadway tickets at "discount prices".
Although the Broadway Theater really never liked the idea of discounting their product (as it does cost allot of money to produce a Broadway Show today), the Broadway community realizes that discounting as well as selling regularly priced tickets and some premium tickets will be exactly what they need to do to continue to keep Broadway healthy for the long term. I've been on the ticket selling side of Broadway, running a legitimate ticket agency for 23 years now. Licensed by the NY State Dept. of Licensing, my little company has been providing a much needed service on behalf of the consumer as well as every Broadway Show. Let me explain how we might be able to help you in your quest for great Broadway tickets at the very best prices around.
I talked earlier of hundreds of different web sites all selling Broadway tickets. How do you choose the company that seems to want to help you acquire the best seats at the best price? The simple answer is have a look at the companies that offer you a phone number to call and speak with a live human being. There are almost none. Why is this so? Simply stated, most of the ticket companies are hoping you click on a set of tickets, give them your name, address and credit card information and send them an automated booking. It means very little work for them along with "no service" really being given to the ticket buyer. Makes no sense when you think about the fact that all these companies are charging you for service right? And charging you allot I might add. I think more people click on more web sites then click off and abandon their shopping cart purchases because at the end of the day, they just don't feel comfortable about the process and the lack of service. People want to know how good the view is from the set of seats they are looking at or possibly be offered a different seating option in the front or mid mezzanine level of a theater. How about the thousands and thousands of people every day that buy seats at "full price", then find at long after they have seen the show that they could have received "discount seats" and saved lots of money. With a family of 4, it adds up to allot of money.
Now obviously I'm about to suggest that the public call my company Applause-Tickets.com to consider buying Broadway tickets from us but that would sound to much like an advertisement to call Applause-Tickets.com. Instead maybe I can simply suggest you find a Broadway ticket expert that is with a local company in New York City. One that has been around for a long time. One that will pickup the telephone and speak with you discussing show descriptions, seating options and prices and delivery choices. If not Applause-Tickets.com, my advice remains to find a local New York company to talk to. The out-of-town ticket companies look like they represent Broadway but their reality is that they are experts at selling events in their cities of doing business, not New York City. Although I believe in competition, I think most of these other firms make the Broadway ticket buying process more confusing than ever. If you speak with a Los Angeles ticket broker, they probably are experts at helping you shop for great Lakers basketball seats, but Broadway? I don't think they could possibly offer great advice for Broadway.
If you ever need advice and someone to trust with your Broadway ticket purchase, I hope you'll consider finding that expert I talked about in this article. And if you consider a call to Applause-Tickets.com we'd be happy to offer you the advice you need to make the best decision possible for your money.
Enjoy the Broadway Theater. For my money, there's nothing like live Broadway.
Richard Gladstone
Vice President
Applause Theatre & Entertainment Service Inc.
311 west 43rd street, suite 601
New York, NY 10036
local phone 212-307-7050
toll free 800-451-9930
For many years now, the Broadway Theater has been making a big push to increase the amount of money they make for each show that is currently playing on Broadway. This makes sense to me when you consider the millions and millions of dollars Broadway Show producers spend investing in their respective productions, never really knowing if the public will help make their show a "hit" or a "miss". That being said, for nearly 10 years now what started as a test to increase their shows bottom line, the theaters started offering "premium seating" to their shows. A premium seat is generally considered the "best seats in the house", most often in the first 10 rows center of the orchestra or the first few rows of the front mezzanine. Believe it or not, the idea of premium seats has been extremely successful on Broadway, increasing the amount of money a show can take in every performance. As I mentioned earlier, the shows producers make a huge investment,never knowing if they will lose lots of money or maybe have the occasional "hit" show. So in my mind, they deserve to come up with ways that give better seats or services to the consumer in exchange for premium prices for their tickets.
Still with a recession like most of us have not seen like this before in our lifetime, although some people do purchase premium seating, most ticket buyers are simply not in a position to fork over $300 to $450 a ticket for the privilege of sitting in the front and center of the theater. In fact, during this difficult economic time, most people that our Broadway ticket company Applause-Tickets.com gets calls from are asking us for Broadway tickets at "discount prices".
Although the Broadway Theater really never liked the idea of discounting their product (as it does cost allot of money to produce a Broadway Show today), the Broadway community realizes that discounting as well as selling regularly priced tickets and some premium tickets will be exactly what they need to do to continue to keep Broadway healthy for the long term. I've been on the ticket selling side of Broadway, running a legitimate ticket agency for 23 years now. Licensed by the NY State Dept. of Licensing, my little company has been providing a much needed service on behalf of the consumer as well as every Broadway Show. Let me explain how we might be able to help you in your quest for great Broadway tickets at the very best prices around.
I talked earlier of hundreds of different web sites all selling Broadway tickets. How do you choose the company that seems to want to help you acquire the best seats at the best price? The simple answer is have a look at the companies that offer you a phone number to call and speak with a live human being. There are almost none. Why is this so? Simply stated, most of the ticket companies are hoping you click on a set of tickets, give them your name, address and credit card information and send them an automated booking. It means very little work for them along with "no service" really being given to the ticket buyer. Makes no sense when you think about the fact that all these companies are charging you for service right? And charging you allot I might add. I think more people click on more web sites then click off and abandon their shopping cart purchases because at the end of the day, they just don't feel comfortable about the process and the lack of service. People want to know how good the view is from the set of seats they are looking at or possibly be offered a different seating option in the front or mid mezzanine level of a theater. How about the thousands and thousands of people every day that buy seats at "full price", then find at long after they have seen the show that they could have received "discount seats" and saved lots of money. With a family of 4, it adds up to allot of money.
Now obviously I'm about to suggest that the public call my company Applause-Tickets.com to consider buying Broadway tickets from us but that would sound to much like an advertisement to call Applause-Tickets.com. Instead maybe I can simply suggest you find a Broadway ticket expert that is with a local company in New York City. One that has been around for a long time. One that will pickup the telephone and speak with you discussing show descriptions, seating options and prices and delivery choices. If not Applause-Tickets.com, my advice remains to find a local New York company to talk to. The out-of-town ticket companies look like they represent Broadway but their reality is that they are experts at selling events in their cities of doing business, not New York City. Although I believe in competition, I think most of these other firms make the Broadway ticket buying process more confusing than ever. If you speak with a Los Angeles ticket broker, they probably are experts at helping you shop for great Lakers basketball seats, but Broadway? I don't think they could possibly offer great advice for Broadway.
If you ever need advice and someone to trust with your Broadway ticket purchase, I hope you'll consider finding that expert I talked about in this article. And if you consider a call to Applause-Tickets.com we'd be happy to offer you the advice you need to make the best decision possible for your money.
Enjoy the Broadway Theater. For my money, there's nothing like live Broadway.

Richard Gladstone
Vice President
Applause Theatre & Entertainment Service Inc.
311 west 43rd street, suite 601
New York, NY 10036
local phone 212-307-7050
toll free 800-451-9930
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