Ms. Fey's husband, Jeff Richmond, who currently writes the music for the current television series, will be writing the music for this upcoming musical along with lyricist Nell Benjamin.

Ms. Fey is planning on taking the summer of 2016 off from other projects so she can work on Mean Girls the musical along with Ms. Kemper, who is off as well on maternity leave.
Just about everything Tina Fey does is incredibly creative and popular on television and in the movies. I'm personally rooting for her to create another exciting Broadway musical that will be enjoyed by possibly millions of people for years to come. When recently interviewed about Mean Girls The Musical, Ms. Fey can be quoted as saying that her show will come to Broadway in 2027, when Hamilton closes". Although that may seem oddly funny, it's quite possible that Hamilton will still be running strong in 2027 as well.
I hope you enjoyed today's blog post on what is happening and what could potentially be happening on Broadway in the near future.
Cheers and good luck to Tina Fey and the entire creative team of the upcoming Mean Girls The Musical on Broadway.
Rich Gladstone
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