When I first saw the schedule come out in print, I couldn't help but notice the tag line saying "It's Never Too Early For Christmas". I remember chuckling to myself a bit that this is just more marketing we can all ignore for a few months. It seems that summertime would be much too early to think about buying tickets for Christmastime. Let me tell you now that I was wrong. No sooner had I said that no one is going to call Applause for Christmas Spectacular tickets than our phones started lighting up with requests for this show.
In particular as many folks are sending their kids back to school it looks like they are making plans to visit New York City this November and December of 2009. The seats we are able to obtain for the Radio City Christmas Spectacular are first rate, generally in the orchestra or front mezzanine of the theater. We are also able to secure seating in the 2nd and 3rd mezzanine for those people that are watching their budget. Either way the seats we are getting are excellent and are a good value. Some come with popcorn and a soft drink for certain off-peak performances.
We know there are hundreds of places to consider buying your tickets from. We sincerely hope you consider using Applause Theater Service when planning a trip to New York City. And if you have additional time to spend in the theater you can consult Applause's up-to-date Broadway Theater listing. Remember to have a look at Applause's Below Face Value ticket deals for shows that offer a discount. We can save you lots of money in most cases. Money you can use to buy dinner for your family at some of our favorite dining spots in New York City.
If you have any questions about Broadway Theater or anything going on in New York City, we hope you'll call and ask us anything that comes to mind. We love to talk about Broadway and all things about New York City.
Good luck with your planning.

Rich Gladstone
Applause Theater Service
311 West 43rd Street, suite 601
NY,NY 10036
local phone 212-307-7050
toll free 800-451-9930
web site
Follow us at www.twitter.com/applausetickets
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