Saturday, February 26, 2011

See Mamma Mia The World's Most Popular Musical For Less This Spring

Who knew that Mamma Mia was that popular? Well according to the big sign hanging from the Wintergarden Theatre on Broadway Mamma Mia is more popular that any other show on the planet. Of course I had to find out for myself. Let's face it a sign like that is there to attract people walking by in hopes they will run into the theatre and buy a ticket. Smart advertising on their part. They aren't #1 for nothing after all.

Of course the music might have something to do with it too. I mean ABBA did sell over 475 million records in a span of ten years making them the fourth highest selling act in music history. Now I like their music as much as they next guy but to be honest the show has never interested me. In fact I've never seen the show or the 2007 hit movie starring the one and only Meryl Streep. Who knew she could sing?

Now for those of you who still haven't seen the show there is no better time than right now. Although at this point I might be hard pressed to find anyone who hasn't. Me being the exception of course. Right now is the perfect time to see Mamma Mia on Broadway. In fact if you call now you can get tickets to see the "World's Most Popular Musical" for below face value. Now that's what I call a bargain. Get your tickets to see Mamma Mia on Broadway. Millions of ABBA fans can't be wrong.Until next time theatre fans.

Applause Theatre and Entertainment
311 West 43rd Street
Suite 601
New York,NY 10036
212-307-7050 or 1-800-451-9930

Facebook: Applause Theater and Entertainment Service

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