Talkin Broadway Groups...
I was speaking with a client today and she was looking for tickets for a small group in February. Although we mostly sell individual tickets...I am finding myself booking more and more groups. As many people are telling me, I take far more time with them explaining the shows and trying to figure out what is best for their group than most Group sales agents are willing to give.
Unfortunately, she had stumbled on bad information on the wonderful internet and had spent much time reading up on shows that are no longer in New York. People mostly assume what they find on the internet is accurate even though some of the information may be old. AND I think we often assume everyone just knows what Broadway shows are playing in New York City.
So, first step was to ask a few questions about her group to know what type of Broadway show would best suit them. Then begin offering suggestions and descriptions of why they would like those shows. Now the first thing she mentioned is that they like wholesome, clean entertainment. I then explained that would narrow the choices as many of the new modern Broadway musicals tend to deal with realistic situations and language the way people speak today. But, the revivals like South Pacific, West Side Story, A Little Night Music and of course Mary Poppins the Musical or The Lion King on Broadway would probably fit the bill. She said she would rather not see an old show like West Side Story. We continued to chat about why new shows like Billy Elliot The Musical need to have things in them that make people feel uncomfortable (by the way Billy Elliot is a great show, deserving of it's 10 Tony Awards) and how that is different for everyone. Now that is a whole other subject and our discussion veered into a pychiatric session on the world today which was certainly fun as well.
We talked about everything from tours to take, restaurants to eat in...and fun things to do in New York City.
Just open talk...like old friends on the phone. I understand why she felt much more confident working with me. I wasn't trying to push her into something that was offering a special, or a show that I know would be easy to get or anything other than what I think she is looking for. Now, whether she actually calls back to book with me is another question. But I feel confident that my new friend is much happier today about the prospect of booking her trip to New York City!
So whether it is Group tickets to a Broadway show or Individual tickets to a show, or you just need some help in planning your trip to New York City. You always know where you can find a friend to help you out. Give me a call anytime. 800-451-9930 or 212-307-7050 and ask for Todd.
H. Todd Freeman
Vice President/Operations
Applause Theatre & Entertainment Service, Inc.311
West 43rd Street, Ste 601 New York, NY 10036800-451-9930/212-307-7050http://www.applause-tickets.com/
Follow at www.twitter.com/applausetickets
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