It's simple really. If you need to stretch your money so that it goes further these days (and who doesn't my friends?), you should consider calling Applause Theater Service for discount tickets to many of Broadway's top shows

Applause is a local Broadway Show ticket expert. They've been around for over 21 years now and understand ticket buyers better than most companies. If you need a first 10 rows center type of ticket, you'll have to pay a premium or somewhat high price for that privilege. But if you are willing to take a very good seat, in the best sections of the theater, you may want to contact the friendly folks at Applause. The seats won't be located in the front row center but Applause can save you allot of money and can guarantee the seat they secure for you will be in a very good location in the

Here's a link to our discount show list. Seeing as shows open and close on Broadway with frequency, you may want to call the Applause ticketing staff. They love to talk about theater, and they can also suggest good places to grab a meal before your show. Here's a link to some restaurant suggestions our staff frequents.
Why pay more than you have to when buying Broadway Show tickets. Call the local experts at Applause Theater Service in New York City.
Enjoy the show of your choice. We hope to speak with you when your plans bring you to Broadway.
local phone 212-307-7050
toll free 800-451-9930
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