Today is a big day for Theatre in NYC: the
Tony Award Nominations were read this morning at Lincoln Center. It is a specially great day for me as I have been out of work for over a year due to illness. I usually try to see every show on Broadway but unfortunately only saw 2 shows in more than a year. It made me realize how much I love the theatre and how important it is in my life. It is the reason I started
Applause with Rich Gladstone

almost 22 years ago. I was an actor in High School and College. I actually played Lenny in Of Mice and Men and I weighed about 150 lbs and was 6'3"tall. If you are not familiar with this play, Lenny is a big guy well over 200 lbs and is slow mentally. Being the child of parents who lived in the depression, there was no possibility of becoming an actor. I started working at the age of 10 and worked throughout high school and college. I had to give up acting after my first year in college. This is not a sad story as I am sure I never would have made it as an actor. Applause has given me access to the Theatre. There is a story about a guy who works in the circus and and cleans up the droppings behind the elephants. One time a guy asked him why he doesn't get a better job. He replies: What and give up show business. Luckily being an owner in Applause has allowed me to be deeply involved in the Theatre and the opportunity to see the musicals and plays both on and off Broadway. It makes me love my job and I am sure that the people who are reading this are people who love the theatre as those of us who work at Applause do.
It is amazing how tastes differ. One of the advantages of

Applause is that we have a staff who love the theatre but differ so much in their tastes. I think much of the success of Applause is the personal attention that we give to our clients and that many of our clients have been with us for years and our staff remembers their tastes and what shows they have enjoyed in the past. As most of you probably know we are located in NYC. So many times customers have told us I can't believe you are in NYC, you are so nice on the phone. I have to tell you an anecdote. A woman from down South called and asked : do "ya all" know when they light the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center. When our agent said please hold on and I will get the information. The customer noted her Brooklyn accent and said: Do "yous guys" know when they light the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center. We all had a good laugh as she felt she had to translate for us. It does show how considerate our customers are.
We know that these times are difficult but we are doing our best to get the
best ticket deals for our clients and many times are able to sell tickets below the normal selling price by getting special deals. Like us, we know how much the theatre means to you.

Bill Stolting

311 W 43rd Street, Suite 601
NY, NY 10036
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