Sarah Ruhl is the writer of this play. Ms. Ruhl must have wondered why back in the 1880's that medical doctors used "vibrator therapies" on some of their female patients to treat episodes of hysteria. It appears that hysteria was a real diagnosis. One that was often given to women in that era. It seems that it was a common way to treat this medical condition was with electrical stimulating machines or what is commonly thought of now- vibrators.
In the show, apparently Dr. Givings is one of those people who is completely obsessed with all the latest technology. With this in mind, the good doctor is always seeking to find out how this technology can help his female patients. Although he doesn't quite understand exactly "how the vibrators help", his patients always come back for more treatment. Catherine, his wife, only gets to hear sounds that come from the doctor's treatment room. Catherine wants to be closer to her husband but not necessarily by electric means. I guess you may want to get some tickets to find out exactly what happens.
In The Next Room, or the vibrator play is directed by Les Waters with set design by Annie Smart. David Zinn, Russell Champa, Brad Poor and Jonathan Bell are responsible for costume design, lighting design, sound design and original music.
In The Next Room, or the vibrator play opens officially on Broadway on November 19, 2009. Prior to its opening, the local ticket experts at Applause Ticket Agency (NY State license #71AP1001029) can offer the public amazing seats in the orchestra section of the Lyceum Theater for below face value prices. What this means is we can get you into the show for below the regular cost price of the tickets. In fact, if you purchase your tickets before the shows opening night, we can extend the special offer through January 10, 2010.
Where else can you obtain tickets for In The Next Room, or the vibrator play or any of the other Broadway Insider Price Shows for less than the regular cost price. Oh and did I forget to mention the outstanding personal service Applause has?
Our toll free number in New York is 800-451-9930 or you can call us locally at 212-307-7050 seven days a week.
What are you waiting for? It doesn't get any better than this.
I hope this information was of help to you or someone you know that loves the Broadway Theater.

Rich Gladstone
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NY,NY 10036
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