I put together all the reviews for your reading pleasure;
"Next to Normal":
[ YN ] 'Next to Normal' takes an unusual journey to B'way By MICHAEL KUCHWARA, AP Drama Writer
[ NYT ] Audio Slide Show: There's a World
Aaron Tveit talks about performing in the musical "Next to Normal."
[ NYT ] Fragmented Psyches, Uncomfortable Emotions: Sing Out! By BEN BRANTLEY
No show on Broadway right now makes as direct a grab for the heart - or wrings it as thoroughly - as does this brave, breathtaking musical.
[ AMNY ] Review of Next to Normal by Matt Windman (4 out of 4 Stars)
[ DN ] 'Next to Normal' is way beyond ordinary by Joe Dziemianowicz (**** 1/2)
[ EW ] Review: Next to Normal By Melissa Rose Bernardo (A)
[ TM ] Next to NormalReviewed by: Dan Bacalzo
Alice Ripley delivers a luminous performance in this deeply felt musical about a woman suffering from mental illness and its effects on her family.
[ WP ] Powerfully Transformed 'Next' Rocks Broadway By Peter Marks
Plus "Hair."
[ YN ] Mental illness shatters family in Broadway musical 'Next to Normal' By Michael Kuchwara, The Associated Press
That newfound clarity has ratcheted up the show's effectiveness, making "Next to Normal" one of the most adventurous and satisfying musicals of the season.
[ CT ] A heartbreaking 'Normal' By Chris Jones
Stone made his money on "Wicked." In the artistic universe, this is how you are supposed to spend it.
[ BR ] A musical not average nor ordinary BY ROBERT FELDBERG
The show has been significantly improved from the already distinctive version that was presented off-Broadway a year ago. If not for a frustrating cast change, it would be firing on every cylinder.
[ V ] Next to NormalReview By DAVID ROONEY
While its weaknesses have not been entirely erased, they are outweighed by the intimate musical's ambition, sincerity and heightened emotional involvement.
[ ND ] REVIEW: 'Next to Normal'BY LINDA WINER
While winning awards at Washington's Arena Stage, the show has sorted out some - but not enough - of its more obvious multiple-personality disorders.
[ BN ] Crazy Mom, Needy Kid Wipe Smile Off 'Normal' Broadway: Review by Jeremy Gerard
The result is a better show, though still one that's easier to admire than love.
[ TB ] Next to NormalReview by Matthew Murray
There's so much natural affection, spoken, screamed, and sung, that this should be the most affecting musical to hit Broadway in a decade. But like Diana, the overdrugged Goodman matriarch, you're left feeling nothing.
[ BS ] Next to Normal - Reviewed by ERIK HAAGENSEN
As Broadway becomes increasingly hostile to the presence of serious musicals, one roots even harder for those that make it there to succeed. "Next to Normal," alas, still misses the mark.
So call Applause Theatre Service now to get your tickets to this critically acclaimed Broadway show! 800-451-9930
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