A pregnant woman asked a gentleman if he would mind giving her his aisle
seat. The gentleman said he would like to accommodate but he has long
legs. The pregnant woman answered that she was in labor and her con-
tractions were 7 minutes apart and she wanted to stay as long as possible.
The gentleman gave her his seat.
The Duke and Duchess of Kent( nephew of King George VI) were asked what
they wanted as a wedding present. They said that they wanted tickets to
South Pacific in 1949.
A gentleman noticed that the seat next to him was vacant. He asked the
lady next to the empty seat: Excuse me Madam but I am so surprised to see
the seat next to you empty. The woman replied with tears in her eyes:
The seat was for my husband but unfortunately he passed away. The gentleman
replied I am sorry to hear that please accept my condolences. Weren't
you able to give his seat to one of your relatives or friends. No she
replied they are all at his funeral service.
The nice thing about Applause is that 99% of the time we are able to provide seats to
the most popular and sought after Broadway Shows like Wicked, Billy Elliot, West Side Story, etc.
While it is difficult to get BFV prices(BELOW FACE VALUE) for the really hot shows we try our best.
Did you know that both Barbara Streisand and Shirley Mac Laine got their break as understudies on a Broadway Show.
When it comes to Broadway, think of Applause for the best prices and the friendliest and most knowledgeable staff.
Bill Stolting
Applause Theatre and Entertainment Service, Inc.
311 West 43rd Street
Suite 601
New York,NY 10036
212-307-7050 or 1-800-451-9930
Follow us at http://twitter.com/applausetickets
Facebook: Applause Theater and Entertainment Service,Inc
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