One of my favorite shows this year is
Hair. Having never seen a production of the show or the 1979 movie I was not sure what to expect. Sure I knew some of the music and I knew it was about the 1960's but that was pretty much it. From the first song I was hooked. What a way to start out a show. There you are sitting in the theatre waiting for the show to start and all of a sudden this cast of hippies start moving toward the stage from all directions. Before you know it the lights come up and this stunning young girl opens her mouth and begins to sing the opening number. What an amazing voice. What an amazing show. Seeing a show like this gives me hope for the future. Not just for Broadway but for the world. In fact it might be a good idea for some of the higher ups in Washington to see it. Just because it takes place in the 60's doesn't make it any less relevant in 2009.
Make Peace. Not War.
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